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Intuition - Just Like Your Other Senses

  Intuition most often is a sense that gives you a present feeling of future consequences. This isn't psychic, or different from other sensory experiences. You can see a mountain far off in the distance before you arrive there and can touch and smell it. You can hear an approaching car before it arrives, and would know it's coming even with your eyes closed.  Our bodies have highly refined structures to detect sensory information. Receptors, cells, entire structures devoted to gather information. Neurons then process all of the information, but we still can decide what to do with it.  If you smell sour milk, you could still drink it. You'd likely get sick, but you could just as easily have used that incoming information to protect yourself, and never have to have tasted it to know it wasn't good for you.  People who don't know that intuition is sense will often go against it, essentially drinking the sour milk in the form of relationships or experiences that their i

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